Aamir Khan, in a chat with ANI, talked about how he had always wanted to work with the multifaceted talent, late Sridevi. However, he says he saw glimpses of her in her daughter Khushi Kapoor, who is all set to appear with his son Junaid Khan in 'Loveyapa'. Watch the full interview here. bollywood news | entertainment news live | latest bollywood news | bollywood | news18 | n18oc_moviesLiked the video? Please press the thumbs up icon and leave a comment. Subscribe to Showsha YouTube channel and never miss a video: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHOWSHAIndiaFollow Showsha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/showsha_/Follow Showsha on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/showshaFollow Showsha on X: https://x.com/news18showshaFollow Showsha on Snapchat: https://snapchat.com/t/6YeotZeyMore entertainment and lifestyle news and updates on:https://www.news18.com/entertainment
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